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Showing posts from November, 2018

More Than A Surface Level Concern

Do you have a skin care routine? Do you know what a skin care routine consist of?  Do you know your skin type? How many times a day do you wash your face? How many times a day do you touch your face?  How often do you disinfect your phone before putting it against your face?  I have recently taken a survey and came to the conclusion that many young women lack a skin care routine. I have determined that the lack there of is because many women do not fully understand the benefits of a tailored skin care regimen, and to put it plainly-how deep the matter really is!  Skin care is more than a surface level concern. Beautiful skin begins with a healthy skin care. It Is important to have a proper skincare routine because our skin is the largest barrier and first defense against infection, it is also our first outward impression. Keeping our skin healthy and moist strengthens our skin which Makes our skin look well longer.  Our skin cells shed daily. The